Now Scheduling for Autumn 2024: October-December 2024
What is a Misa Espiritual/ White Table (Spiritual Mass)?
Misa Espirituales or seances is a ceremony of communication with your Ancestors, Guardian Angels, Ascended Masters and Spirit Guides.
A Spiritual Mass is not only a means of communicating with the spirit realm, but also a tool for the development of your spiritual framework. Your spiritual framework consists of the spirit guides (ancestral and astral) that were born with you, that walk with you and with whom you made a pact with to help you live out your life’s purpose before you chose your mission to Earth. By consciously developing your spiritual framework, you’re able to bring clarity to misinformation, doubt, uncertainty and be directed toward your destiny.
Misa Espirituales are conducted by experienced and gifted psychic/mediums/Espiritistas who serve as conduits of communication between the spirit realm and mundane world we exist in. This gathering will consist of cleansings, purification and protective rituals before, during and after the spirit session.
The Misa is held within a protected circle with the focus on a white table (Mesa Blanca) which serves as a focal point and portal for the spirits to gather and communicate through the present Mediums. The present Mediums serve as vessels for communication of messages, advice, expressions and more.
Why are you hosting a Misa Blanca?
I have been an active participant in Espiritismo since I was a young child and Misa Blancas are very instrumental to my personal and spiritual development. By establishing and engaging with my spirit court I was able to find my personal power, gain stability and clarity on the things I was unsure about in my life. Misas are not only about communicating with the dead, but also providing light and elevation to those spirits that are in need of elevation and progression. In return, that same energy is passed on to us to manifest in the earth realm.
Who can attend a Spiritual Mass?
Anyone can attend or arrange a Spiritual Mass. You do not need to be an initiated priest or priestess to attend a spiritual mass nor belong to a specific group or tradition.
Spiritual communication knows no bounds or titles and is unique to you. Your own personal will to understand who you are and your purpose in life is sufficient reason for you to attend a Misa.
Traditionally, Misa Espirituales are open to the public in an effort to make spirit communication accessible to everyone in the community. The approach with your session however, is geared toward a more intimate and personal setting where communication is more personal and precise to you. You can bring a loved one with you to the session to be “read” as well, in addition to you. It is recommended to have no more than one additional person to attend with you during the spiritual mass to ensure communication is effective and specific to you.
Cost of session is per person the session is dedicated to.
All personal topics discussed during your personal session is strictly confidential and does not leave the circle.
When is a spiritual mass performed?
Misa Espirituales are typically performed during transition phases in our lives. It’s ideal to have a misa done periodically to get an idea as to what your guides may need at any given time and get a feel for their elevation and progress. Misa Espirituales are also done when a person needs to understand where they stand in their current life and what energies known and unknown influences their life. Misas are also consulted during times of your life when you are experiencing a crisis, personal issues, overcoming trauma or simply want to develop and establish your spiritual framework.
Most Seances are performed for investigative purposes as well as bringing light, peace and stability to hardened and disembodied spirits.
Where does a Misa take Place?
Your scheduled Misa will take place in Manhattan, NYC.
Once your Misa is booked, I will contact you via email within 24 hours to schedule a date for your session and review with you what to expect before, during and after the session and go over any questions you may have.
Please keep in mind appointments may be scheduled within 2-4 weeks after your payment has been made.
Your session will take place in a comfortable and dedicated space.
You will be notified of the location 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment.
Why should I attend a Misa Blanca?
Misas are like offerings of light to your spirits. Misas consists of a community of experienced mediums and spiritualists who not only communicate with spirit but are also able to assist with further development of your spiritual framework.
By recognizing and elevating your spiritual framework you are building and establishing your spirituality. The development of your spiritual framework is crucial to building a solid foundation and relationship with your spirit guides and still remain connected to source. Development of our spirit guides empowers you to develop direct communication and understanding of your life’s purpose.
Establishing this relationship will open you to build character, life's purpose and find solutions to your problems and manifest things according to your life path.
What is your refund policy?
Due to the nature of this product purchase is non-refundable/transferable if you cancel 48 hours prior to your session.
Once a date has been agreed upon and confirmed refunds will not be provided if you cancel within 48 hours BEFORE your session. If you are unable to attend your scheduled date, due to unforeseen circumstances, please make us aware within 3 days of your session and 25% refund of your session purchase price will be considered for refund. We do not guarantee that if you cancel, that your session can be rescheduled. Our refund policy is in consideration of the time, location and number of people we must mobilize to attend your session.
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Items & services should not be used as a substitute for medical, legal, psychiatric or any other kind of advice. They are meant for entertainment use only.
No products in my shop are meant to give or recommend medical or psychiatric advice. All herbal products are meant for external use only. Do not ingest.
Please keep herbs, seeds, shells, and small stones away from pets and young children to avoid accidental ingestion or chocking.
Do NOT ingest the products. Avoid contact with eyes, mucous and genital area. Most products are skin safe. We are not responsible for allergic reactions. Always test for allergic reaction by rubbing a little product on your skin, and waiting 24 hours for a reaction before further use. Please keep all flammable objects away from children and hazardous surroundings.